Recycling Based Waste Management

6 Clinical Waste Management Tips

6 Clinical Waste Management Tips

(Posted on 14/10/20)

Due to the potential risks associated with the mis-handling of clinical waste, the correct management and disposal is vital and there are strict regulations in place to prevent harm being caused to both the environment and to you. To enable you and those working in your practice to clearly verify if they need to take further steps to become compliant with all regulations, we have outlined below the considerations you must take to ensure the safe disposal of clinical waste.

  1. Make sure you follow the colour-coding guidance for all your soft clinical waste

It is essential to separate clinical waste at the point of production to ensure the correct safe disposal of your waste streams.

  1. Make sure your soft clinical waste is disposed of into a foot-operated or automatic lidded unit

Therefore, you do not have to touch the lid in order to dispose of this waste.

  1. Do not overfill your clinical waste bags

This was you do not risk your clinical waste bags overflowing and items falling out.

  1. Store your clinical waste safely and securely in a designated locker room/cupboard or an external bin

Under your ‘duty of care’ you must ensure clinical waste is store correctly to avoid it coming into contact with anyone.

  1. Ensure you receive, sign and date a hazardous waste consignment note for every collection or clinical waste

This shows proof of collection and transportation to onward and final disposal.

  1. Carry out regular clinical waste training to ensure compliance and correct waste segregation

This ensures everyone understands the correct practice and helps reduce mistakes made.


If you have any clinical waste disposal needs or need any more information, PJ Environment are here to help, contact us today speak to the team.