Land contamination: Assessing the risks

(Posted on 27/01/20)
Sources of contamination often stem from current and historical activities such as fuel storage and handling, demolition, waste disposal and chemical processing etc. As well as this contamination off site can also affect a site via migration of dissolved chemicals in groundwater, gas and sometimes as windblow contaminated dust.
Due to chemicals contained within the land, contamination may present a risk to users of the site, neighbouring site as well as the environment, such as surface water and groundwater. It is therefore incredibly important to ensure that any potential contamination and the risks from it are fully understood before carrying out works.
However, if these protocols have not been adhered to, land contamination can happen all too easily. Once the land has become contaminated, it can be very difficult and dangerous to try and reverse this. Here at PJ Environmental, we specialise in the hazardous waste disposal and disposal of contaminated land. The current and ongoing changes in environmental legislation greatly affects the remediation and development of land so it is imperative that you as a client are fully aware of how this legislation affects you.
If you have any contaminated land concerns or want to discuss how we can help, speak to one of the PJ Environmental team today.